Irish Water seeking Debt Collectors


The Irish government’s National Water Utility has put out a tender to hire a Debt Collection Agency to collect unpaid charges.

The tender requests proposals for the recovery of business debts. Dependant on Irish government policy, they could also be seeking the recovery of domestic water charges as well.

Residential charges for water have been suspended for 9 month whilst the government considers how the country should funds its National water service supply.

The deadline for applications is set as the 9th November 2016.

Requests made within the Irish Water tender document include debt recovery proceedings in the district, circuit and high courts. These include Business Debts for the supply of water and ancillary services.

The tender also requests ‘Debt Collection legal’ services and includes an option to extend collection proceedings in respect of domestic water bills.

Water charges in Ireland (which have been suspended) are one of the lowest in Europe according to figures given by the Global Water Intelligence and Tariff survey.

Full details of the Irish Water Debt Collection tender can be found here – Any interested parties will need to register their interest as soon as possible.

It is not known if any UK based Debt Collection Agencies have intentions of tendering for the Irish Water Debt Collection contract.


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