Debt Collection firm being sued for 3 years of wrongful harassment

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A grandmother is suing a debt collection firm she says phoned her 900 times in three years – as they chased money she did not even owe.

Retired solicitor Ros Bond, 68, is taking Capquest to court for alleged harassment and wants £1,500 compensation.

She said: “Some calls were downright nasty and some were threatening and ­intimidating. I want to see these so-and-sos in court and I want to see them squirm, not for myself but for all the other people I suspect they’ve harassed.”

Ros’s nightmare began when she moved house in May 2010 and started getting calls about money owed by three women. None of them had names similar to hers.

Since then she and her husband David, 69, have been bombarded with nearly 1,000 calls. Some were as early as 7am, others as late as midnight.

Ros repeatedly told Capquest, which has a £47.5million-a-year turnover, that they had the wrong person.

She sent copies of her marriage certificate, driving licence and passport as evidence.

In November 2011, after 18 months of calls, the firm wrote to apologise and acknowledged she did not owe money. But the calls carried on until she eventually started legal proceedings in March.

Ros, of Hinkley, Leics, who is registered disabled, said: “They offered me £150 to walk away but I told them where to stick it. I would like to see companies like Capquest outlawed.”

Capquest said: “It is clear to us that Mrs Bond has been the victim of ID theft. She has been contacted based on information supplied erroneously by credit agencies.”



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