Tag: debt collection
Pop star sues Debt Collection Firm
musician Prince has turned the tables on Capital Asset Protection, filing a lawsuit against the US Calabasas-based company for allegedly taking more than $100,000 from his bank account.
Whitehall push to recover £20bn in unpaid debt
The government is planning new legal powers to help reduce the billions it loses in uncollected debt.
Local authorities expect half of poor residents to refuse to pay...
Councils are budgeting for large losses after coalition's benefit changes mean 2 million low-income workers must pay tax
FSA in compensation pay out
The Financial Services Authority will be required to pay a complainant increased redress after failing to notify a debt collection agency that the complainant had already paid required fines.
Forced to write off 7.5m in Bad Debt
MORE than £7.5 million in unpaid council tax and business rates will be written off.
Local council writes off £230k of bad debt
PENDLE Council has had to write off more than £230,000 in unpaid debts.
Over 60 billion of Debt passed to Debt Collection Agencies
Consumer debt passed to Debt Collection Agencies(DCA’s) or sold to Debt Buyers has officially passed the £60 billion figure for the first time
Council seeking to recover over 5m of Bad Debt
Stoke-on-Trent City Council is currently talking to at least 13 debt collection firms over the recovery of 5m worth of debt
Consumers suffer BT Debt Recovery headache
CANCELLING a telephone and broadband package when out of the specified contract period should be relatively straightforward.
‘Dodgy’ Debt Collector prosecuted
The owner of a takeaway lost his business after his electricity was cut off by a debt collector using a forged warrant to "cut corners".