Authorities issue Scam Invoices warning

scam invoices warning

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO)  has issued a fresh warning to customers to beware of misleading requests for payments, sent by unsolicited organisations. These typically take the form of invoices requesting payment for trade marks, designs, or patents services.

Such ‘services’ – once paid for – may simply never be provided, or may be of little or no benefit to the customer (for example, inclusion on an ‘exclusive online register’, not recognised by the IPO or any other official body).

Alternatively, scam invoices may request payment at a highly inflated price for services available for a much lower fee – or free of charge – directly from the IPO.

The payment request will usually come from an organisation not recognised by the customer. They may also be accompanied by a copy of a fraudulently ‘signed’ agreement, in the hope that accounts departments will automatically approve payment of the invoice.

These organisations are not connected with the IPO or any other government body. This comes as figures show a recent acceleration in the number of misleading payment requests reported to the IPO.

From April to June 2024, the IPO received 138 individual reports from customers, compared to 85 in the same three months last year – a jump of 63%. So far in 2024, the IPO has received a total of 169 individual reports, compared to 278 in all of 2023.

The IPO’s Head of Customer Experience, Caroline Rich, said “Bad actors are becoming more creative and persistent in their efforts to target our customers with misleading payment requests. Once payment is made, there is little chance of getting your money back, as those involved often operate across international borders, making enforcement action difficult.

“The recent examples we’re seeing can be very convincing at first glance, so it’s important to remain vigilant.

“Our clear advice is to not pay such invoices, and always report them to the IPO. To help customers know what to look out for, we’ve released images of some recently reported to us. Customers with any doubt about a payment request should always get in touch with us, and anyone who believes they may have been a victim of fraud should report this to the police.”

Scam Invoices advice

Temporary Assistant Commissioner Nik Adams, City of London Police said “If you receive an email or invoice that you think might be a scam, don’t respond to it, click on any links, or send payment. If you think you have been a victim of fraud, report it to Action Fraud or by calling 0300 123 2040.

If you are in Scotland, I ask that you report fraud directly to Police Scotland by calling 101. By reporting phishing scams and suspected fraud you are directly helping us in our work to identify and stop these criminals and helping us protect others from these scams.”


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