Student Loans Company ceases Debt Collection letters


Since news emerged regarding the usage of ‘spurious’ debt collection letters being used by the Student Loans company (SLC), it has now been revealed that the SLC has now suspended its use of them.

It had been revealed that the SLC had been using debt collection letters purporting to to be sent from a debt collection agency named as ‘Smith Lawson & Company Recovery services’ since 2005. These letters are said to have used terms such as ‘we have been instructed by our client’ falsely implying that they were a third party in the matter.

The SLC has said it had suspended use of the letters and developed new communications which will now refrain from using terms such as ‘client’ and increased the font on the footer stating that Smith Lawson is a trading name of SLC.

In a statement, the SLC has said “The Student Loans Company has a duty to collect every pound that is owed, for the tax payer.”


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