Record number of CCJ’s issued in 2018


Latest figures published by the Registry Trust through its Registrar of Judgments, Orders and Fines in England and Wales, show that the number of county court judgments (CCJs) registered against consumers reached new heights this year.

The figures published today illustrate 305,877 judgments registered during the first three months of 2018, 2% up on the first quarter of last year and more than double the 150,622 registered during the same period in 2005 when current records for these types of judgments began.

According to The Registry Trust, who verifies and publishes judgment information from jurisdictions across the British Isles and Ireland, the number of adverse CCJs has been steadily rising for the past five years.

A four-year trend whereby the number of CCJs against businesses had consistently fallen was backed by a year-on-year rise of 7% in successful claims against businesses. However, according to the Registry Trust those statistics are skewed by the presence (on April 20) of 2,125 judgments against airline easy Jet.

In the first quarter, 44 judgements in the High Court were registered against consumers, as 20 judgments were issued against businesses, just six more than during the same quarter of the previous year.

There was a significant rise in the number of registered tribunal awards compared to last year with 67 business and consumer tribunals, up 21 on last year’s figures. There were also 37 businesses tribunal awards, up from 30; and 30 consumer tribunal awards, down 9 on last year.


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