Ireland’s biggest university hires Debt Collectors


The Republic of Ireland’s biggest University has begun using a Debt Collection Agency in the hope of recouping nearly one million euros worth of outstanding student fees.

The University College Dublin is just one of three remaining Irish higher education facilities using a Debt Collection Agency to chase down student fees after it emerged that last year up to five educational organisations were using the services of a Debt Collection Agency.

A spokesperson for the University said that approximately one out of every 167 of the University’s 38,000 graduates, (who have completed their degrees over the past five years) have not yet been awarded their degree due to outstanding monies.

The annual contribution for third level students has risen from 2,000 euros in 2012 to reach 3,000 euros by 201 however the major debt problem said to be facing the University relates to post graduates whose annual fee is around 5,000 euros per year.

The total amount passed for Irish Debt Collection action is believed to be just over 900,000 euros. Following a tender process, Legal & Credit Management services Ltd have been instructed to collect the outstanding fees.



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